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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Another productive day yesterday.

Finally got my hair cut. Now to see if it will do anything like what I had in mind.

One of my classmates on Facebook asked me to knit something for the raffle at the 40th reunion. I wrote back, asking about the time frame. I have never gone to any of my high school reunions. But now I am getting to know three people who moved in different circles. [My graduating class was something like 635 people. I graduated 53rd, with minimal effort academically and complete terror, socially.]

I might go. I might even have fun. And I might have the courage to walk up to the football player whose possibly random comments by the trophy case [which were almost certainly part of his own insecurities as a teenager] have contributed to some of my neuroses over the years and find out if he has morphed into a human being.

First meeting with new bishop tonight.

Good talk with Fourthborn last night. I had the time, so I picked them up from work and took them home before getting my haircut and going on to Knit Night. Communication with the doll company is unclear, at best; they may have sent our package to somebody else. If she does not get a satisfactory response in short order, she is minded to have them refund her order in its entirety [normally there is a steep restocking fee, but they have fouled up majorly; Cuprit originally shipped two months ago today, and their mistakes certainly contributed to the Post Office losing her]. Fourthborn would then order a doll that is on my wish list.

I am fine, either way. If we end up canceling the order, then once I have completed six months’ membership on the doll forum and can sell to other members, I will offer the sweater and skirt which I made for Cuprit. Fourthborn no longer wants all the extra stuff she ordered when she ordered my doll, and I put too much of myself into Cuprit’s sweater and skirt to keep them around if she’s not here, or to see them on my girls’ or my friends’ dolls.

Good, clarifying exchange of emails with NintendoMan. We are slowly unscrewing the inscrutable.

Hungry for a big ol’ breakfast, and no time to fix one. I am in serious need of some hash browns.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Sounds like you need some chocolate to go with those hash browns.