So, I am sitting in the back of the stake center, next to Secondborn, waiting for stake conference to begin, when one of the counselors in the (now released) stake presidency steps to the podium and announces, “If Sister [Mom-of-Deaf-Girl] and Sister Ravelled are here, would they please come up to the front of the chapel to interpret for a deaf member?”
Thankfully, one of my new visiting teachers had had two years of American Sign Language at BYU, and we took turns, and it was a wild ride. Oh, and the children’s father was sitting five rows back from the deaf member. Much inadvertent eye contact, at least until I got into the thick of things :(
After church, they had all the children and youth file up to the front of the chapel to shake hands with the General Authorities. Once I was able to thread my way out of the chapel, it was easy to get into Lorelai and out of the parking lot.
The VT’s came over for a nice visit, and I mostly just babbled (normal behavior for after a performance or an interpreting stint, at least for me; big adrenaline high and then a massive crash, which is happening as we speak).
What a marvelous honor and responsibility, to interpret for 1.5 General Authorities! I’m setting the alarm for tomorrow morning; no idea if I will wake before then.
(Signed) Sleeping Beauty
There was much chocolate abuse when I got home. After my VT’s left [yes, of course I shared my chocolate with them!], I slept for three hours and was really surprised to find out it was still Sunday when I woke up.
I put in a Sabbath-appropriate movie and spent a lovely evening on the couch with the knitting that I’d thought was going to get done at church. I also sorted through more papers in the Black Hole box.
For some inexplicable reason, the work went faster last night, and the feeling of subtle discouragement had evaporated, along with another two-inch layer of Stuff in the box.
Last night I also learned what a polymath is. Fascinating interview with Umberto Eco which I found through a link at unclutterer. So, does this imply that math was once the Greek word for knowledge as a whole? Not sure I want to pursue that line of thought; definitely no time for it at the moment.
More bags, bound for the recycling bin this morning. And on my drive home yesterday, I discovered where the new Smashburger is, just north of TCU. I think there may be a little celebratory french-fry eating tonight after work. Got to make the new neighbor feel welcome, after all!
You got your trial by fire at conference when asked to interpret. Mine came shortly after they announced our new stake president and I realized that his wife, our relief society president, would have to be released. I've had this unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach ever since. I know that the right person for the job will get it, I just hope it's not me! I know, slim to none, nevertheless...Elder Christofferson did look at me intently when he shook my hand, then turn to my husband quietly and say, you are a lucky man. It felt like he ran me through a spiritual x-ray. I'm a bundle of nerves.
It is, yes, a wee bit unnerving when you shake hands with a General Authority and introduce yourself, and they say, "Oh yes, we know about you..." Wish I could remember if that was Elder Maxwell or Elder Packer; I've met both of them. I have often wondered since if my name had been had for good, or evil...
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