About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Now It Can Be Told

The official word went out from our managing attorney yesterday, so I am free to unzip my lip. Beginning Monday, I will be sitting far, far away from the switchboard, except when the other admin is at lunch or on her breaks. No, I have not yet been promoted to legal secretary.

What will I be doing instead? Typing, typing, typing like a crazy woman. Transcribing dictation for one and a half of the attorneys and taking significant weight off the shoulders of my favorite legal secretary. It’s not a promotion; it’s a lateral transfer, and there is no raise involved. But I will have my own private line and my own voicemail, and I have a cubicle to decorate, and I will no longer have to radio for backup when nature calls. I will also be sitting across a cubicle wall from my best friend, who is a worker bee like me and not the chatty type, so neither her productivity nor mine is likely to suffer.

I have been working switchboard for nine and a half years, so I am pretty jazzed about the change. I will be trying out this assignment for at least the next six months, during which time I will not be training with the legal secretaries. And neither will the other admin; she will be focusing on the stuff I have been doing and on getting her typing up to speed.

We will revisit the secretarial training in six months or so.

I spent much of yesterday emptying personal items out of drawers, disposing of old emails and class materials, etc. Today I will actually schlep my stuff over to my new workspace, and the new phone extension is already in my name. Now I just need to figure out how to work the phone system from that end; i.e., how to set up my “away” message and forward and un-forward calls when I leave my desk or need to concentrate.

Here is the close-up which Middlest took of the Sunrise Circle Jacket at Knit Night.

She was particularly taken by the flecks of pink tweedaliciousness. As am I. This tweed is much of what I would like to be: soft, enduring, lively, adaptable. And let us not forget quirky, but I think I have that part down cold.

I finished the back of the jacket yesterday. As it doesn’t look appreciably different from what I showed you yesterday, here is where I am on the left sleeve. The color is more true in this photo, because that coffee shop is designed for long, rambling conversations and not for knitting; i.e., it’s dark in there.

Whereas my boudoir is bright and cheery, because the most exciting thing that goes on in there, is knitting. And for that I need good light. I’m using markers to keep track of where to increase on my sleeves; it’s a 14-row repeat, and it’s easy to lose track with this yarn.

All in all, a varied and productive day. And tonight there is the monthly dinner with Brother Sushi to anticipate.

@Kristen, yes, I read QB7; I’ve read most of what Leon Uris has written, ditto Chaim Potok.

@Firstborn, if you put me in the same nursing home as your father, I will haunt you after I kick. Just sayin’.


gwtreece said...

Congrats on the new job duties.

Tan said...

congratulations on your transfer off the switchboard. Just being able to go to the bathroom without raising your hand will be wonderful.

Jenni said...

You know you thought I was funny!