About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How beautiful upon the mountains...

...are the feet of [him] that ... publisheth peace. [That would be my other homeboy, Isaiah (52:7, KJV); he writes me love letters that are frequently mysterious and hard to puzzle out, but he always has something edifying to say, and I always feel better and stronger and smarter and more hopeful when I read them.]

I got some good news from a good friend, about a mutual friend. The kind of thing you love to hear, told by somebody with the authority to share it. Absolutely made my day when I heard it! [You know who you are.]

So, I found that box of blank checks; all I need to do now is to print up return address labels and slap them down where the preprinted [but out-of-date] address is. Yes, I am that frugal.

Yesterday was another terrific day. I only got twenty bajillion things done, instead of the 40 bajillion I did on Friday, but the next-to-last one involved dancing with a bunch of other old people, and the music was great, and the company was better.

Today’s goals are short and sweet:
1. Stay awake in all my meetings (which begin in approximately half an hour).
2. Get a long, sleep-wrecking nap after church.

Oh, and I solved the mystery of that last perfect thing to give my sister for her birthday. It will be part of goal #1 for the day.

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