I told my attorney, “Wrong show.”
“But the Shadow knows.”
“So does every woman who has dated a man.”
“Funny, that’s what my wife says!”
The Yarn Harlot was brilliant as usual yesterday, and I am buying that pattern.
Knitting Daily’s email yesterday was entitled “Knitting Patterns for Men”. Why on earth would I want to knit myself a man? I would probably just have to frog him repeatedly. [Froggings will continue until morale improves.]
Oh, I crack myself up!
Just in case you weren’t convinced of it already, Facebook is insidious. I was shinnying down my Wall, when I read that one of my [pregnant] friends was craving Taco Bueno. And I had already been thinking about Taco Bueno, wondering if I wanted to get in the car when I was so comfy here at home.
I think we know the answer to that.
MovieMom had this beautiful little film on her blog.
May we all be more gentle with one another. And, because I am four:
Click to embiggen. I drove behind that bus for several miles on Monday morning. The motto on all the other buses in the station reads Stop Less Go More. Some wiseguy removed the S from this one.
Oh Bueno, how I miss thee. ;_; I do have a lovely authentic Mexican restaurant nearby but it's not cheap like Taco Bueno.
Why don't I ever get to see a cool bus like that? Oh, maybe because there is no public transport in my city.
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