About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Monday, December 12, 2016

A mostly terrific weekend.

For me, it was unadulterated joy, mixed with naps. Fourthborn also had a good time with us, and happily escaped injury. It is, after all, 2+ weeks since Black and Blue Friday. I think we're good for another year.

Middlest made up for it. While stowing the sleeping bags that make up the foundation of Fourthborn's hobo nest when visiting us, Middlest inadvertently head-butted the freezer, resulting in concussion. This is not the first one, so my kid knew what to do: ice, ibuprofen for the swelling, anti-nausea meds, and determined wakefulness.

Several hours later, pupils are equally dilated (by the migraine which has been hanging about for roughly two weeks), Middlest is lucid, bump is smaller, and sleep sometime before the Second Coming appears to be a reasonable option. I insisted that an email be fired off to the doctor, because with the migraine there's a chance that when we go for the scheduled visit on Thursday, both of us will have forgotten about the concussion on Sunday.

In knitting news, I am ready to work the final cable on the first Fetching. I'll finish it off, except for the thumb, and get cracking on the second mitt. Wednesday's Christmas lunch and the final gift exchange will be here before I know it.

Yes, I really am posting after midnight. I took a measured nap after church so that I would be safe to drive Fourthborn home after our stake's annual Feast of Carols.

Night, y'all. I'm outta here.

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