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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Did one of you get the number of that truck?

This was my first day back at work. I'll be supporting 2.5 attorneys for the next two weeks. Today wasn't bad, but picking up milk and buttermilk on the way home, dashing to the church for tithing settlement, and attempting to weed my inbox have totally wiped me out. If I had a magic wand, I would wave it and sit down to five bites of filet mignon, glazed carrots, a small Caesar salad, and a scoop of horseradish mashed potatoes. Instead, I'll pour a mug of buttermilk, grab a handful of chocolate covered ginger, and cut a sliver of the sriracha gouda that I bought for Middlest the other day.

Sleep last night was interrupted. I'd been down for not quite two hours when nature called, most insistently. And once I'd dealt with that, I was suddenly ravenous. Middlest was still up, playing some sort of video game, and I stood in the doorway and queried, "Mashed potatoes?" Which is how I found myself in the kitchen at a quarter to 1:00 nuking two cups of water and grabbing a packet of instant. Served mine up with a generous dollop of sour cream, went back for a dab of seconds, and left the rest for Middlest.

Breathing is much easier today, and my brains have stopped trying to leak out of my sinuses and down into my lungs. I'm just tired.

SemperFi was out in depositions today and will be on vacation the rest of the week. I got my inbox thinned out (65 new ones) and my To Do's worked or done, and another secretary's worked while she and her attorney are out. More of the same tomorrow, and I hope to get caught up on everybody's mail. I'm also hoping TheKid won't need much of anything.

My goal is to be totally caught up by the end of the week. Prayers and positive thoughts are welcomed. I'm going to fix that aforementioned snack and work on Middlest's fingerless glove until it's time for my evening meds. Night, y'all.

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