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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

No goo-goo eyes at Christmas dinner.

[No Goo Goo Dolls, either.] Nor any perceptible sulking, from either of us. We exchanged a few pleasantries. I kept my head bent over my knitting when I was not warbling with our girls.

Christmas cards are still staggering in. My front door is metal, and I have them plastered all over it with one magnet or another. This is one of those cases where a picture comes nowhere near a thousand words, so I will forbear, but the display makes me grin.

I just finished the last lace row before the decreases begin on Lark’s shawlette. I had to tink half a row last night at Knit Night. I don’t have trouble keeping to the pattern when I’m knitting at the office, but there’s a whole lot less OhLookShiny in the break room than there is at a table surrounded by fellow knitters.

Work has been intermittently frustrating this week. I’ve lost two documents in the process of saving them but in the middle of erasing the tape. [This is 99% operator error and 1% the system. Maybe not even that.] My attorney had to re-dictate a motion for summary judgment on Monday. Neither of us was happy about that, but I was apologetic, and he is ever the gentleman. Yesterday it was a small and simple transmittal letter, which I was able to reconstruct from a similar one on another case, with only one of us the wiser.

So I am changing my procedure for erasing tapes. I am going to try tossing them in a drawer, to reduce visual clutter, until the end of the day and then erasing them all in one five-minute purge while shutting down my computer.

Got my nails done last night, after work and before Knit Night, using the new genteel pink polish that my friend and I picked out last week. NailDude tells me that the *in* color for 2011 is going to be honeysuckle pink, which is almost exactly the color I chose, so I am at the leading edge of the curve. Fancy that!

In other maintenance news, I called to see if my hair magician was working last night, and she is no longer there. Which means that I am going to have to find a new hair magician. Before Friday night.

And on that note, I’ll bid you all a happy Wednesday.


Tola said...

ive done that with my cards for years now. Christmas makes way for birthday, and the display reminds me of how many people who love me.

Jenni said...

I have a hair magician for you. Julianne. I'll text you her info.

Sherry said...

I need a hair magician, too. Please share any discoveries you make.

AlisonH said...

Good luck with the computer stuff, and my thanks to the gentleman for being one.

Bonnie said...

I'll second the fact that Julianne is great.