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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Monday, December 13, 2010

R.I.P. Glue Gun

You’ve had a long and useful life. I think I bought you when we lived in the Hill Country, back in the early 90’s. So I ought not to complain when you cannot fire up enough enthusiasm to help this little cat “get a grip,” once more.

I could have just as easily called this post “Come, thou font of every blessing.” Does the title seem as if it were somehow familiar?

Unless I miss my guess, this is the same font as the eye-charts at my optometrist’s office. And considerably less blurry, in this photo snapped at 3:15am, than what the world looks like, before I put on my glasses.

So: thankful for a glue gun that just wore out its ninth life; for the gift of seeing connections, no matter how slight; for the artists and technicians who make it possible for me to navigate my world on a daily basis; for good writing (the above is a mordantly funny book, and probably too close to home for my girls to enjoy, but I find myself thinking, her parents were not entirely crazy).

Also thankful for Ravelry, where I keep my notes on works-in-progress, thus enabling me to see that I had worked seven pattern repeats too many, between the cuff ribbing and where the heel flap should go. I frogged 35 rounds last night before bedtime, chuckling at myself. I have now worked six of the 40 rows of heel flap, and I am going to grab a movie, fix myself a healthy snack, then wash my hands and try to finish the flap before leaving for the health club, and work.

Happy Monday, everybody!


Sherry said...

I had considered using The Glass Castle in my AP Language classes, but I found it just toooooo depressing. I enjoyed some of the stories, but some of it just made me feel like a lousy parent...so I decided not to teach it. Still, the kids all survived, and that says a lot...

AlisonH said...

Oh, it was, it was! And RIP, glue gun. (Wait--that's an oxymormon.)

Jenni said...

We all know I am a lousy literary student as I like my books to read closer to a scrrenplay of the movie that will probably be made in a few years.