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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Is there a draft in here?

Apparently not. I thought I'd saved a picture from my phone, but the battery may have been a smidgen too low. I bought a small piece at Michael's that will become a sideboard (or something) when I put the dollhouse together. For now, it is resting patiently on the ironing board.

I skipped the Thursday knitting group in favor of running errands, bringing party tacos home to share with Middlest, and finishing the first corner of the border on The Albatross. Tomorrow I'll start stitching toward the next corner. I don't know if I'll make all of the corners the same. I'll figure that out as I get there.

I also bought a thingie that might be intended as a recipe holder, but I'm thinking doll-scale menu board or artist's easel. It's all chippy and rustic looking, and maybe someday there'll be a picture for you to see. I got one for Middlest, another for Fourthborn, and one for me.

Found a stunning mini-frame and cannot for the life of me remember where I put that 2"x3" print of the Savior. In the meantime, it's holding a picture of Beloved at the grill with a blowtorch, one of his handouts from the Project Wife days. That will eventually go into a simpler mini-frame. And both will end up in a room setting with Blessing and Celeste. I will have to check out Greg Olsen's and Simon Dewey's websites to see if I can find appropriately scaled prints for the various dolls. I would love to have a miniature temple print in each "room".

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