About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

As I suspected, a very long day.

Did a slightly shortened version of my PT routine today, then took Middlest for the monthly checkup. From there to the pharmacy in Wylie for a refill of the Ritalin, after which I dropped Middlest off at Squishy's. Squishy had already picked up Fourthborn.

I came home, quickly updated my spreadsheets, hung a small picture of Beloved and Squishy in the doll area in my room, took my shower, and went to work. Was feeling a little anxious, so my first stop once I'd parked the Tardis was the deli, for three chocolate chip cookies and a pint of milk.

Got lots done in a little over half a day of work and dithered over whether to go to Knit Night or just come home and make a blanket fort. When it was time to decide, I turned right and headed for Grand Prairie. Ate most of my dinner (soup and salad) with my phone turned off and while reading the current issue of The Ensign. My friends started arriving, so I put the magazine away and enjoyed some great conversations.

It's nearly 11:30. My stomach has settled. I'm going to bed, knackered but content.

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