About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Friday, June 30, 2017

How soon we forget.

Today I spent three hours backing up switchboard, between two separate turns. When I left the office, my ankles were swollen like nobody's business, and the remainder of my body was demanding a sit-down dinner prepared by someone else, with knitting and an early bedtime for dessert.

So I went to my favorite steakhouse, where I had the petite filet, a small Caesar salad (I stabbed it a lot), and a baked sweet potato with regular butter and not their trademark sweetened/spiced jollop. I polished off the steak and brought home half or more of the sweet potato and a few bites of salad. I've been trying to remember to force fluids, but mostly I've been knitting. The first shoulder is done on Avery's sweater.

I think I will be sleeping a lot tomorrow. I'll be attending SemperFi's older daughter's wedding tomorrow night and then the reception, but after we get home from picking up our quilt blocks in the morning, I'll probably go back to bed for awhile.

I don't know how I flourished for so many years as the receptionist in our office. This week I've been fighting minuscule fonts on monitors that are not mine to tweak, and depending upon others to show up to relieve me when my turn is over, so I may relieve myself. I don't miss that part of the job in the slightest. We've been down to two admin all week, from our normal six, and all of the secretaries and some of the paralegals have been covering switchboard.

There will be more of the same next week, but at least it's only a four-day week.

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