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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A lot on his plate today.

The new guy has hematology at 7:30, chemo scheduled at 8:30 but he says probably closer to 10:00 because that first lab always runs an hour and a half to two hours, then the oncologist at 3:00. He is going to be wiped out out. Please pray for him.

Yes, the chemo (this would be #5) was originally scheduled for next Tuesday, but somebody decided it would be better to do it today. The new guy is less than thrilled, as he had planned to go fishing tomorrow.

I am hoping this puts us five days closer to his being well. He said he would email me when he’s home, or call me if the news is really good. Naturally, I am hoping for a call, although I hope it doesn’t come during the staff meeting. Which I am hoping against hope will be a short one.

I have been juggling chainsaws all week at work, after taking Monday off. I made a lot of progress yesterday, and I still have miles to go before I sleep. [I’ve been covering another attorney for two days, plus mine, plus the dictation from Attorney B. It will be nice to only have the regularly scheduled chaos to deal with, for the rest of the week.] I am hoping to finish the report I was working on last night, before the staff meeting, and then get the rest of my to-do’s done, plus open a new file, before it’s time to leave for the temple.

I had anxiety dreams last night. I’m not sure if it’s a function of my current workload or a reflection of dietary changes. But I woke up going “Whew, glad that’s over!”

In knitting news, I’ve begun the decreases on the chemo cap, and I will probably finish it today, which means that it’s time to plan the next project and also to decide what to take along in case I run out of stitches before I run out of lunchtime.

The new Knitty is up (I may have said that already), and I bookmarked half a dozen designs, and I’m also thinking it’s time to play with an idea of my own that has been rattling around in my head for awhile.

I was going to say Happy Tuesday!, but this is my Wednesday, and your Thursday, so never mind. Just, happy!

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Happy works for me, sure! And prayer said for the fellow. That, at least, I can do.