About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Day one, post-surgery

I doubt that I would have made much sense, had I posted when I got home yesterday.

The surgery went well. My doctor removed I-don't-know-how-many polyps and a fibroid, and samples of various bits have been sent to pathology. When I awoke, my throat was scratchy and dry, because they'd put a tube down it. I coughed a lot while in recovery, and ice chips have never tasted so good. The first few spoonfuls I let melt like a good little patient; the rest of them I chomped, because it was far more satisfying to have something I could chew.

I have no bruising where the IV went in, just one small red dot that is already smaller than when I got up this morning. My throat is still a little tender ~ it hurt to laugh at breakfast this morning, more in my throat than in my abs or my tush ~ and my abs think we're dying every time I try to get into or out of bed, which is why I'm taking a break from rereading The Sword of Summer to sit here and blog. My personal plumbing works just fine, which is a relief in more ways than one. I'm supposed to avoid greasy or spicy food for awhile, so no Pie5 with the doll-folk tomorrow night.

I don't have the attention span for knitting right now. I'm alternating reading with napping, scrolling through Pinterest, watching "Random Acts" on BYU TV on my phone, and playing Sudoku either on my phone or here on my computer. (My scores are abysmal, both in terms of numbers and the length of time it takes me to play a game. It would be depressing if I didn't know it's only temporary, because of the anesthetic and the insult to my body.)

They gave me Tramadol in the hospital, and it is wonderful stuff. I still have a nearly full bottle of industrial-strength ibuprofen from when my chair broke and dumped me on the floor. I took one of those last night before bedtime and another after breakfast, but my most recent dosage was a single regular-strength ibuprofen in late afternoon, and I don't think I'll need any more of it. The niggly spot in my back (the one I had PT for last year) is being humble and quiet, so overall I feel amazingly well, other than not wanting to knit. Or roll over too quickly.

I can feel another sleepy spell coming on, so I'm going to grab my evening meds, another half-mug of buttermilk, a handful of chocolate covered ginger, and see how long I'm out this time. Thank you for your prayers and positive thoughts.

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