About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Saturday, May 05, 2018

The Cardi is behaving.

Most likely because I am counting stitches every couple of rows. I just completed the sixth cable row, updated my spreadsheet, then realized that I hadn't entered the numbers on my balance sheet (different spreadsheet; if you've been a reader for any length of time, you'll know that I'm mad for spreadsheets) for the end of April. So those are done.

Firstborn and I picked up quilt blocks this morning. Middlest was out with the king of all migraines, and Fourthborn suspected that she was coming down with something, so it was just the two of us. After that, Firstborn and I walked over to the little cafe on the corner and had breakfast and talked about everything and nothing for about an hour. She's busy with work and church and Junior League. I'm busy with work and church and knitting and Middlest.

Most first Saturdays, she brings Fourthborn and I bring Middlest, we pick up our blocks, everybody hugs, we might talk for ten minutes, and then she and Fourthborn go back to Arlington while Middlest and I run any errands between the quilt shop and home, unload the Tardis, and crash. Today we really connected, and it was wonderful.

I've had a shortish nap, added five or six rows to the Cardi throughout the day, listened to a couple of chapters of the Book of Mormon on my phone, and read several chapters in Mythos. I also dashed out just before dusk to Braum's for more milk, buttermilk, and orange juice.

Not sure what I want to do next, other than not-knitting. (No, I'm not running a fever. I just want to do something different until I feel sleepy.) Which, apparently, is now. It seems that my eyelids are as suggestible as my kidneys.

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