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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Day two, post-surgery

Noticeably better. I can swallow with only a shadow of discomfort. I can laugh without wincing. I can lever myself into and out of bed with relative ease, and I've only needed one nap today.

Took Middlest for the monthly checkup, then dropped off Rx's to be filled and delivered next week. On the way home we stopped at Kroger and picked up four cases of bottled water plus some toiletries. Neither of us had the spoons to bring the water in. We both agreed that I shouldn't even try, and Middlest is waiting until it's good and dark, because the temperature reached 94F this afternoon, while heat-sickness kicks in at 75F.

I finished rereading The Sword of Summer at ridiculous o'clock this morning and have handed it off to Middlest. I am now more than halfway through the second volume. I've also gotten the first baby sock to the beginning of the heel flap.

My appetite is a bit more erratic but a whole lot less demanding than it was yesterday. And I feel another nap coming on.

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