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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Oye with the poodles already!

We were short-handed today, so worklife got a little crazy. If by "a little crazy" you mean having to file an answer that was due at 10:00 for an attorney I back up, who I met up with heading to his desk at 9:51. I got that puppy filed at 10:01, technically late but the best I could with what I was dealt.

Then SemperFi got assigned two new cases with the answer due next Monday, and I won't be here to work on them after tomorrow. I'm hoping to get them wrangled so that somebody can file them in my absence. And my new attorney got a past-due case where the answer was due at 10:00am but the people who were supposed to get us certain information so we could enter the case, didn't provide it until sometime this morning. And it was on the other half of her docket, but my partner in crime was out today, so I got to take care of it. I'm almost done cleaning up discovery for the paralegal and am determined to finish it tomorrow. Then there were reports that got sent to claims over the weekend, that I had to do my bit on. And a report for the attorney I back up, who always leaves things until the last minute, that I had to wrangle.

Miraculously, my shoulders are in fairly decent shape, and my back didn't go into spasm.That one's taken care of. But if I were still a drinking woman, today would have been a day for it. I blasted zydeco in the Tardis all the way home, and I'm about to grab a Ben & Jerry's slice and head to my room with my knitting and a book or three. I am one tired mama. Middlest is sawing logs in the middle bedroom. I hope to be asleep by 10:00. Wish me luck.

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