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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Day three, post-surgery

In which your intrepid heroine attempts a field trip and partway succeeds. I'd been wanting to dash into a LYS to get some of those interlocking cardboard tubes designed to corral DP needles while in use. I also wanted to get my hair trimmed. I did a search in my checking account, and today is exactly two months since the last trim. This would have been a good day for it. However, as I walked back to the Tardis, my body said, thank you, and we're done for now. So I took a slightly roundabout way home (because: stubborn), ate a light lunch, and napped for about five hours.

While on the topic of hair, LittleBit is working at Ulta again. (Is it supposed to be all-caps, like IKEA?) And she is supposed to use her discount for family members, much like Squishy where he works. So after the surgery on Wednesday, and after we had refueled, we went to her store, and I bought what we thought was a bottle of fancy schmancy shampoo and a related conditioner but was in reality two different formulas of shampoo, one of which is not quite right for my hair.

I tried the first bottle yesterday, and today I have second-day hair that feels as good and as clean as it did yesterday. Pretty sure that I'm going to have to wash it before church tomorrow, but this is seriously cool. I guess I'm no longer buying grocery store shampoo. I'm still going to buy some of the neat shampoo I discovered when visiting my NY tribe in April, but that can be a treat for another time.

In reading news, I finished re-reading the second Magnus Chase book and have begun the third. Rick Riordan's writing (say that three times, fast) is dependably delightful.

In knitting news, I've turned the heel and picked up the gusset stitches on the first baby sock.

In recuperation news, I can get into and out of bed more easily than I have in weeks. My ab muscles have picked up the slack (tee hee), and it no longer hurts to swallow. I'm an hour past the usual time for my evening meds, so I'll say goodnight.

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