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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Mmmmm, dead cow.

Seven ounces of filet mignon from Central Market. Grilled to perfection by the new guy’s eldest son, who called me out to the grill to ask if/how I had seasoned it. Unseasoned, straight from the market. Did I want him to dip it in the Asian marinade. *Sniff*. Eww, no I did not. Did I want any rubs on it? No, I just wanted dead cow that tasted like dead cow. Went back into the house, where I went through discussion v1.1 with Squishy. No pepper. A little season salt is OK.

I like my dead cow significantly less dead than does the new guy. Just a skosh more medium than medium rare. I want it crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, not all tarted up. It is not often that I want a steak, maybe a couple of times a year. It has been maybe four years since I bought a steak to cook, and the first time I have paid per pound what a good skein of sock yarn costs.

This one was worth every penny I paid for it. [And I am putting Kobe beef on the bucket list.]

I have a slice of chocolate meringue pie in the fridge. Ditto some of his from-scratch potato salad. Both of them excellent. Cannot. Wait. For. Lunch.

And over the course of this lovely long weekend, I have knitted up 45% of Lark’s birthday present.


nekokoi said...

i prefer my dead cow rather plain also. this baffles Wolfie as one of his passions is barbecue and he makes his sauces from scratch. he can't comprehend me wanting to eat my food sauce-less. xD

Rory said...

I'm glad to know where Faythe and I get it from. I like my dead cow to taste like dead cow.

I don't eat it often, but when I do, I want to be able to taste the natural (and delicious) flavor of the meat. Steak sauce smothers the flavor of anything else out. Bleh.

I also tend to prefer my Carolina-style barbeque with it's mild vinegar flavor without the optional barbeque sauce.

Jerry said...

I'm with you on the dead cow. I prefer the finer cuts and more rare than medium but if you only plan to have it a few times a year, why not enjoy it. The Kobe is well worth it too.