About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

We played at the dentist's today.

No X-rays, just cleanings x3, so my pocketbook is getting off easy this time. We really, really like the new hygienist. The one we had really, really tried to like decided to retire, and the new one is about this [ ] far from being able to walk on water as far as the three of us are concerned.

Knit happened. I'm a little over halfway done with the cuff of the second baby sock, but as soon as I log off here, I'm heading to my bed to add more beads to the hem of the sweater. I had almost reached the midpoint of the back when I had to stop so we could be on time for the oil change that Firstborn booked last Friday.

About that. When we got to the dealership, a gentleman took the key and directed us to the waiting area. Five minutes later, he returned to say that they were really backed up, and the oil change that we had an appointment for would not happen for two and a half to three hours. I said, "Even though we booked an appointment?" He was genuinely apologetic. I explained that this would not work for us, because we had dental appointments beginning at 2:00 and lasting the rest of the afternoon. He had the car brought around. Middlest and I picked up Fourthborn for the grocery shopping that we had planned to do after the dentist and the traditional trashing of our teeth via cheesecake. Middlest and Fourthborn tackled Fourthborn's shopping list.

I walked next door to Hobby Lobby and fell in love with a white shadowbox, about five inches deep, maybe two feet wide and a foot tall. I'm not sure if it is going up on what I call the Jesus Wall, right inside the front door and bearing scriptures and portraits of the Savior, or on the dining room wall above the piano. The shadowbox was 50% off, and I got to the car very shortly after the kids got there with the shopping cart.

We got Fourthborn's food to her apartment and ourselves to our dentist with several minutes to spare.

Later, gators. The yarn is calling.

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