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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Friday, March 03, 2017

The Robaxin is definitely working.

I slept like a log again. When I woke up, I tried an experiment. Lying on my back, I bent my left leg and let my knee ease down to the mattress. (Think tree pose, but horizontal.) No pain. I tried it with my right leg. Same result!

Y'all, this is huge! Longtime readers of the blog will recall that my right hip is where I park other people's issues when they're too painful to contemplate. This is probably a holdover from the days of my codependency with the children's father.

This does not mean that I have suddenly reacquired perfect range of motion, however; my friend C and I took SemperFi to lunch for his birthday today, and she drove her pickup, which is considerably larger and higher than mine. He asked if I wanted the front seat, and I said No, then realized that I couldn't lift my left foot high enough to step into the back seat. So I opened the front door, managed to get my foot barely inside, grabbed the handhold, and pushed off with my right foot. (I know there was a moment when SemperFi and were both wondering if he was going to have to apply hands to my rump and push, but we [just barely] avoided that.) After lunch, I had a slight advantage with the curb, but she'd parked a little farther out than convenient. So I reached across with my foot, grabbed the handhold, and got one cheek on the seat, then the other, then my other foot in.

Lunch was delicious, and worth every bit of inelegance. SemperFi and I both had the Carolina Crab Cake Salad with roasted red pepper remoulade and sliced avocado, and it was perfect. Just the right size, just the right flavor mix, and the best crab cake I've ever tasted in my life. I didn't need or want dessert, and I didn't get groggy mid-afternoon.

Work itself went very well. I finished the trial notebooks for Monday's trial. I caught up on yesterday's mail and worked today's mail and filed an answer for TheKid after A (my compatriot on his docket) got it started for me. I have a couple of holdover tasks that I will do on Monday when both attorneys are in trial. If TheKid's trial doesn't go, he will help SemperFi pick a jury. And C gets to go see our trial on Tuesday. I so wish I could go watch SemperFi in action. I got to attend a trial last year with two of our other attorneys, and it was a great experience, and somebody needs to stay in the office and keep the home fires burning.

So it's 9:00pm, and my knees and hip are getting a little crabby. My neck is more flexible than usual, and my upper back is pain free in spite of the intensity of trial prep.I think I will read a little and knit a little until it's time to take my meds, and then I'm pretty sure I will be out like a light until morning.

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